Sunday, April 10, 2011

Opening Day

What? You didn’t think I was talking about baseball, did you? 
Ok, maybe a little about baseball because in Michigan, we determine spring’s arrival by the following factors: 
  • Temps that finally peak above 40
  • The release of Bell’s Oberon 
  • When Tigers take the field at Comerica Park, marking another season of will they/won’t they baseball drama.
My opening day was Saturday. With latte in hand, I started off at Romence Gardens for a mid-morning class on how to grow a fabulous lawn (more on that and other Romence happenings later). Followed up by some consignment shopping and antiquing at my favorite local digs, which left me oh-so-inspired to take on the yard for the afternoon.

Extreme clean up was necessary because I neglected to do my fall prep last year. (I got married and went on a two-week Mediterranean honeymoon, followed by some excessive hours at work, which also explains my blogging hiatus.) My husband fought the good fight, by extracting some holly berry bushes that just weren’t cutting it. I give the previous owners of our house credit for putting in some landscaping, but their garden “design” left something, well everything, to be desired. I give myself credit for finally deciding to part ways with things that don’t work and allow me to have an almost-clean slate.

The latter hours of the afternoon were spent transplanting day lilies. If you remember, Don’t Ditch the Ditch Lily, my goal last fall was to move these to a hard-to-grow space in the backyard. The labor was intense. I feel like I spent hours at the gym yesterday doing nothing but squats and lunges. I know that if I keep up the good work all season long, the results will be amazing...for both my flowers AND my glutes.

P.S. How great would these look on my two front windows?

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