Sunday, May 8, 2011

Creeping Charlie, You're Dead to Me!

I say in my best Tony Soprano voice...

I'm waging a war against Creeping Charlie, a formidable landscape enemy.

Creeping Charlie is an invasive ground cover that is part of the ivy family. It crowds out the grass, it's rhizomes make it quick to spread, and it's really tough to completely eliminate. And, if you hear someone say it only likes damp, shady areas, they're liars, because the majority of my yard is in full sun. And, the majority of my yard happens to be Charlie.

I'm taking back what's mine through force (and extreme measures, if necessary). I have my arsenal planned, and while nukes aren't an option (although, I have heard of people using a blow torch), being vigilant tends to be the best strategy. Hit hard, hit often, in the fall and after it flowers in the spring for best control. Yes, control. The success stories of those who have actually eradicated Charlie are few and far between.

A great lawn is the foundation for any great landscape. And, I want to be able to run barefoot through my own backyard. If it takes a persistent herbicidal cocktail, so be it.

If you think I'm exaggerating, check out this string of Charlie woes, treatments and results.

1 comment: said...

You should have Jenny help you! Seriously, we just sprayed a Broadleaf weed killer (think Weed & Feed) on my lawn last year. Sprayed one weekend, did touch-up a few days later. It kills weeds without killing grass. The Charlie hasn't dared return!

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