Sunday, June 5, 2011

I Love New York (Gardens)

I spent Memorial Day Weekend in the Big Apple, shopping on 5th Avenue (including more than one trip to Tiffany and Co.), a morning at the MoMA, visiting Ground Zero and walking through the great parks of Manhattan. Check out the garden highlights.

Alliums were in bloom everywhere. It was neat to catch them before they were completely open.

Not sure what this flower is, but can you see what's in the background?

There were some of the largest hostas I've ever seen. More shots from Battery Park.

What trip to NYC would be complete without a visit to Central Park, including Sheep Meadow, Strawberry Fields and the Bow Bridge.

1 comment:

HLK said...

I like seeing the big apple through the flower photos! My alliums here in MI have nearly reached the end of their season. My mom told me that when she took a Master Gardener tour last summer, one woman had beautiful spray-painted alliums. Anyone have tips on decorating my spent blooms without making them look like plastic yard flamingos?

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