Wednesday, July 13, 2011

The Rock Garden

So, I like to rock. A lot. At home, at work, in the car (especially in the car). I don't normally wear headphones in the garden, but these songs are typically going through my head anyway.

Counting Crows Children in Bloom
From somewhere in the depths of my subconsciousness, this song has just always meant summer to me.

REM Gardening at Night
I've been known to do container gardening in the dark, with nothing but the driveway sensor light and a bottle of bug repellent (all natural, of course.)

Beastie Boys Root Down
My personal theme song for digging, dividing and planting, especially the tough stuff.

LCD Soundsystem Losing My Edge
I finally dug out my edging this was just a smidgen overgrown...

Talking Heads (Nothing But) Flowers
You got it, you got it...

Guster Backyard
With four sides to focus on, I've probably been spending the most time in the backyard this summer. Oh the plans I have!

Doves Catch the Sun
These longer days are sadly already getting shorter and shorter.

Postal Service Brand New Colony
Too many ants...

What's your summer soundtrack?

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