Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Lost in Transition

August has been feeling more like September. The air has been a little crisp, the night has had a chill, mornings have been cooler. I can already see the subtle change in leaves on my daily commute. Summer is definitely making its graceful exit and welcoming in fall. While many of my summer blooms have faded, a walk around my gardens revealed a variety of brand-new buds, and those flowers ready for round two.

Just because the sun is setting on summer doesn't mean your gardens are ready to fade. There's more to come in the next season. Enjoy the transition. 

What's blooming in your garden right now?

Autumn Joy Seedum "thisclose" to opening.

By clipping back the spent flowers, I revealed my yarrow's next generation of blooms.

By now, you know of my love for Pentas, they just keep on going and going... Next year, run, don't walk to get Pentas for your containers. I bet they look fabulous in the ground as well.

I'm not sure what type of Black-Eyed Susan this is, but, it's a little more slender, a little less invasive than some other varieties I've had, and it is still blooming strong right now.

I was especially surprised to see this flowering shrub rebloom. I'm pretty sure it has grown about 3-4 feet this summer. The top is all covered in new growth and fresh blooms.

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