Friday, July 9, 2010

Great Finds: Vintage Garden Decor

The best finds are always the ones you weren't even looking for.
With a quick weekend stop to your local antique boutique, neighbor's garage sale, or if you fancy, a dumpster dive, you can find a variety vintage items that are both practical and inventive in the garden.

I'm not talking about gazing balls and garden gnomes. Think rustic, yet elegant pieces that can be repurposed to make creative containers, plant stands, window boxes, trellises, garden markers and more. Be on the lookout for items such as old bedframes, ladders, watering cans and pitchers, and my personal favorite, simple aluminum buckets.

Now, I haven't quite gotten into herb and vegetable gardening (yet), but stumbling upon these vintage garden markers from Anthropologie makes me want to start.

At the very least, I'm now intrigued at the idea of treasure hunting for antique silverware and making my own garden markers.

Silverware photo credit:

2 comments: said...

I picked up a ceramic pot (I think it was originally a potty) at Century Antiques this spring. I didn't dare try to drill drainage holes in the bottom though. Luckily geraniums are hardy and anytime it floods I just dump the water out!

Amanda Bukowski Welsh said...

You could also fill the bottom with some rocks/loose stones. That also helps with drainage.

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