Friday, July 8, 2011

Jack of All Trades, Master of... Something...To Be Determined...

I'm behind, like WAY behind. In case you didn't know, MBA school, gardening and blogging don't mix. The good news is (other than Mother Nature being behind as well--my coneflower still hasn't bloomed), there is a light at the end of the tunnel, as I'll officially be done with grad school in December. The even better news is, I've taken the summer off to devote to my gardens AND my blog. And the EVEN WAY better news is, I hope to start the MSU Master Gardening Program in January. The application is in, I'm just waiting for my acceptance.

In the meantime, keep reading, I hope to post as much as possible. Also, look forward to some positive changes in terms of look, feel, content...maybe even a name change, who knows? (Got any ideas?)

Here are some highlights from the 2011 Master Gardener Tour (Wanna see last year's recap?). You can expect to see my house on the roster in a few years.


Japanese lilac, I think!
Backyard envy...
Loved the ripples and ridges of this hosta.
I can't remember if these little twisted clematis balls are pre or post flowers, but interesting, eh?
Winding wisteria.
Last iris of the season?
Amazingly, perfectly manicured beds, although I wondered, why no mulch?
Interesting use of old/dead tree branch for a clematis to climb.
There's something very whimsical about poppies.
Potting shed (and organization) envy...
Oranges! One of my master gardening classes will be about fruit trees.
Black petunias were uber trendy this year, love them paired with that coleus.
Also love the multi-hostas look, paired with astilbe. Sharp shady combo!
 Urban oasis...

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