Monday, August 8, 2011

The August To-Do List

It's almost mid-August. Your gardens are tired of working for you all summer. You're probably tired, too. You can feel the season slowly changing ... The air smells a little different ... The days are oh-so-gradually getting shorter again ... Did you just see a leaf fall on the ground?

Snap out of it!

Don't be fooled by back-to-school ridiculousness and promises of a new fall wardrobe. (As enticing as those new suede boots might be, they'll still be there in October, I promise.)

Summer is still here, and my calendar says it will stay here until September 23.
If you think your work is done, you're sorely mistaken.
So, grab your shovel and your bypass pruners because your to-do list just got a little longer.

From mulching to compost, bulbs to saving seeds, deadheading to weeding, there's still plenty to do this year and in preparation for next spring. There's even time to plant a late harvest garden. Take it from the experts, and Better Homes and Gardens have compiled some great August tips to keep your garden going through September and beyond.

I think I'm even crazy enough to try a fall container garden this year...yeah, even after I got on my soapbox about containers.

1 comment:

Amanda Bukowski Welsh said...

Addendum: This is a great link about the art of deadheading!

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